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Liturgical Ministries

St. Kevin liturgical ministries provide opportunities for parishioners to serve in the church in a variety of ways.



St. Kevin’s currently hosts a number of choirs, each with its distinct character providing music for the weekend liturgies and for special feasts and holy days.​

  • 9:30 AM - This is a mixed choir of men and women that is accompanied by organ and guitar.

  • 12:00 Noon – This is a Hispanic choir which consist of vocals accompanied by guitar, and percussion. They have a regular practice of Fridays at 5:30pm at O'Malley Hall.

  • 5:00 PM - Saturday Vigil – This is a mixed choir of men and women that is accompanied by piano.

  • All choirs are composed chiefly of volunteer vocalists and musicians and gladly welcome new members.



Lectors or Readers proclaim the first and second readings (and the Psalm when not sung). Lectors also introduce the Mass with a commentary and read the prayer of the Faithful. The ministry of Lector requires a strong speaking voice, clear speech and a good presence. Lectors are expected to avail themselves of training conducted either by the Archdiocese or by the local parish. They are then commissioned to the ministry before being assigned.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at Mass by helping to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the communicants. Communion Ministers also bear the Body of Christ to the homebound and the sick. Training for this ministry is available through the Archdiocese as well as through the local parish.


Altar Servers

Altar Servers are young people of the parish who elect to serve at the altar. Altar Servers participate in the entrance procession, carrying the cross and candles. They assist the priest with the book, help to set the altar for the celebration of the Eucharist, lead forward the Offertory procession with the collection and the gifts of bread and wine, ring the bell at the consecration, and lead out all the ministers at the end of Mass.


Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters) assist at Mass by welcoming parishioners, distributing the missalettes, worship aids

Mass Times


9:00 AM


5:00 PM


9:30 AM, 12:00 PM (Español)


Saturdays: 4:30 - 4:50 PM and after daily mass upon request


9:00 AM Mass

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows Mass


Adoration begins with the Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Adoration continues until Noon and concludes with Benediction

7:00 PM

Prayer Around the Cross (check the calendar)


The Centennial of St. Kevin Parish was in 2022. Help us continue celebrating it by sharing your memories and photos and sending them to:

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